First Evangelical Lutheran Church is a community gathered around the Gospel of Jesus Christ and held together by the nurturing of the Holy Spirit.
Every Sunday we gather to worship God and grow together as disciples of our Lord Jesus. We hear God’s word to us, words of forgiveness and renewal. We pray to our Lord and sing songs of praise. We celebrate baptisms, the washing away of sin and the beginning of a new life in Jesus. We share in eating and drinking our Lord’s body and blood that he would dwell within us as he uses us to share his love. In Sunday morning worship our loving, gracious God is really the one at work. He refreshes us with his Spirit and shapes us to be lights in the world every day of the week. His work in us is never ending.
During the week we come together in small groups for mutual encouragement, for reflection on God’s word. We seek to support families in raising children in the faith. We believe that our God has placed us here and works through us to reach out to those who don’t know the Gospel as well as to those who are in physical need. We also enjoy being together in fellowship around meals and celebrating all that God has done for us. Come join us as we rely daily on God’s gracious forgiveness and seek to grow together.
First Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.