Worship Services

Come and join us for worship service on Sundays at 10:30 AM.

To attend in person, visit us at 8397 Piney Orchard Parkway, Odenton, MD.

If you’d like to attend virtually, our services are live-streamed to our YouTube (click the Live tab to see the latest recordings) and Vimeo channels.

The YouTube link will also be posted directly to the church’s Facebook page:


We hope to continue and even expand our online ministry through this forum into the future to provide not only for those folks at high-risk for COVID-19, but also for shut-ins, out-of-state travelers and those who prefer online access to God’s word.

Announcements and Prayers

September 4th, 2024

On-Line Viewing

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFirstEvangelicalLutheranChurchofOdenton
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/event/537863
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstLutheranOdenton

Upcoming Meetings

September 4th: Ladies Auxiliary, 6:30 PM

September 9th: Planning Council, 7:00 PM

A Season of Psalms

Dear friends in Christ, join us each week as we begin a new sermon series focused on the Psalms beginning Sunday, September 15th, 2024. During this series, we will take a look at Psalm 30, 3, 41, 27, 138, and 100. We look forward to seeing you each week as we come together to receive the gifts of God for us in Word and Sacrament.

Celebrating 84 Years of Ministry

Join us on Sunday, September 8th for Sunday School and Worship as we remember and rejoice in 84 years of ministry here in Odenton and the surrounding communities. We will have a tailgate luncheon following the service. Members are asked to bring a side dish and BYOB (Bring your own beverage.) A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex for those who wish to help provide a side dish.

Bible Studies and Small Groups Starting Soon

A Tuesday morning women’s bible study, a Wednesday morning men’s bible study, and a Wednesday evening young men’s bible study will begin this month. Sign-up sheets are located in the Narthex. The Tuesday and Wednesday bible studies will be held in the fellowship hall beginning at 9:30AM each week. Small groups will begin soon as well. A sign-up sheet for small groups is located in the Narthex as well.

Janice Stevens Service

A funeral service for Janice Stevens will be held here at First Evangelical Lutheran this Saturday, September 7th at 2PM in the sanctuary. A light reception will follow in the fellowship hall.

Feeding Our Friends

FELC will be helping BeMoreCaring each month by preparing and packaging 190 meals for delivery to our homeless friends in the Baltimore and Anne Arundel County areas. Please let Margie know if you are interested in helping. We will announce future dates/times. Also, if you are a Thrivent member please consider putting in for an Action Team to help offset the cost for this or future opportunities. **We are meeting today at 1pm to put together the meals!**

Celebrating 84 Years

Join us on Sunday, September 8th as we will be celebrating 84 years of ministry to the Odenton and surrounding communities. We are excited to be celebrating First Lutheran’s 84 years of presence in this community. For 84 years, the faithful saints of this congregation have been preaching Christ and Him crucified. For 84 years, the faithful saints of this congregation have carried the Good News of the Gospel out into the community to share God’s love with others. As we prepare to remember and celebrate 84 years of ministry at First Lutheran, we encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join us for a blessed time of worship. Following the service, we will have a tailgate luncheon to celebrate and enjoy our time of fellowship together. More information about the tailgate luncheon will be forthcoming in the days ahead.

Janice Stevens Service

A funeral service for Janice Stevens will be held here at First Evangelical Lutheran on Saturday, September 7th at 2PM in the sanctuary. A light reception will follow in the fellowship hall.

Chicken Alfredo Dinner

September 21st, 4-6 PM. Dinner will be Chicken alfredo, vegetable, roll and dessert. Eat-in or carry-out. $12. Cost is reduced to $10 if you donate new toys. Pre-orders are encouraged. Call or text Margie at 443-838-8438. Proceeds to benefit our homeless friends via BeMoreCaring. This is a Thrivent sponsored event.

Odenton Day

ODENTON DAY is coming, Saturday, October 5th! We are looking forward to this community event that is held annually at the Odenton Volunteer Fire Department. FELC participates by providing an information table to introduce the church to the Odenton community. If you would like to enjoy some time at the table, let David Pinckney or Pastor Brooks know. Or you can consult with Denise Bach who has had much experience behind the table! The day will last from 9 am till 2:00 PM. You can take time to enjoy all that’s going on, including the Odenton Heritage Tours. Then share your cheerful self behind the table for an hour or so, letting others know about FELC, and what we have to offer to the community. If you have questions about helping please, contact David at 443-995-3139, or talk to him at church on Sunday.

Childrens Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School begins September 8th. We are continuing to invite all children (Pre-K to 5th grade) to join us this year. It’s never too late to join us! Registration forms will be available or call the church office. We can always use new and fresh ideas. Like to sing? play an instrument? help with bulletin boards or crafting ideas? Please send me a text or email and let me know how you would like to help. Call or Text Ursula at (443)995-2035 Thanks for prayerfully considering sharing your talents!

FELC Semi-Annual Flea Market

September 21st, from 9am-2pm on the church parking lot. Spaces are $20 and an 8-foot table is an additional $5. We will have baked goods, hot dogs, chips, soda, and water available for sale. If you’re interested in setting up, please call the church office at 410-672-3352 or email churchoffice@felcodenton.org

Operation Christmas Child

Thanks for the donations we have received during the summer! Through September, we hope to finish collecting School Supplies, and work on the Personal Care Items. Cards with pictures/details about what to buy are pinned on the board in the Narthex, as you enter the Sanctuary. Choose cards for the items you’d like to purchase. This week, please check the chart in the bulletin, showing what is still being collected and amounts still needed. They will be updated weekly. If you are shopping locally, rather than online, put items in the labeled containers provided in the Narthex. We are working on setting up the option of ordering some bulk items online through Amazon, or Walmart for which more information will be provided. Check the table by the elevator for examples of some items. With school starting, there are sales on some of the products we are collecting. Please keep checking back as the items will change as we reach our goals. As more items are received, examples of partially and fully packed boxes, like the children might receive, will be displayed. Each week, as donations come in, we hope to update the amounts when completed or amounts needed, so that you know better how to shop. I am happy to say that have met the goals for colored pencils, sharpened #2 pencils, pencil sharpeners, ink pens, pencil top erasers AND now, tissues! If you are reading this in the email and worshiping from home, and would like to participate in the OCC project, but are unable to get out, I would be happy to help you with making purchases for donations. Just call and leave a message with your name and I’ll get back with you! In addition to the table, there is a photo board set up so you can get an idea of the process that goes into the filling of the Operation Christmas Child boxes. Decorating our boxes and writing short, individual messages to the children will be coming up next week or so. We hope you can help! We still have our labeled container marked
“Cards & Calendars” in the Narthex by the elevator on the OCC table where you can donate old picture calendars or cards. Many have participated in the past three years, and we hope we can count on you again this year! Thanks for your support! Blessings to you as we work together to bless 100 children around the world with the love and knowledge of Jesus! Questions or clarifications needed? Just contact Ursula (443-995-2035) or ask me at church! If you would like to learn more about OCC just type in Operation Christmas Child/videos in your computer browser. There are videos that show the amazing stories of children who received a box and the impact it has made in their lives by bringing them to Jesus.

Item (As of Sept 1) Quantity
IBand-aids 500
Bars of Soap (no strong scents- ex. Irish Spring) 14
Chapstick (non-medicated) 36
Combs (large teeth) 73
Crayons (24 count) 5
Deodorant(boys) 9
Deodorant (girls) 5
Glue Sticks 230
Markers 34
Paint Sets 15
Scissors 75
Toothbrushes (young kids) 33
Toothbrushes (adults) 41

Men’s Breakfast

Join the men the fourth Saturday of the month at 8 AM for breakfast and fellowship. Please contact Mike Mrozek if you have any questions.

Shut In Visitation Ministry

If you would like to be visited and/or receive Communion, please contact the Church Office (410-672-3352 or churchoffice@felcodenton.org.

Young Adult Small Group

If you are between the ages of 20 and 30, please join us for our weekly (virtual) Bible Study, 8-9PM, on scheduled weekdays. If interested please contact John Pinckney. We look forward to discussing God’s word with you!

Updated Contact Information and Call Request

We now have an online form to help keep our information current. If you would like to have your contact information updated, you can do so via the following link. You can also make a request for a phone call.



There are currently two ways to give. One way to give is by mailing your offering directly to the church office (8397 Piney Orchard Parkway, Odenton, MD 21113). Only a few months ago we installed a secure mailbox with a lock to keep our mail safe. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to consider another way to give online. It is one easy way to be faithful in financial stewardship.

For online giving:


For further instruction see:


Upcoming Event Flyers



About Us

From its humble beginnings almost 80 years ago, First Evangelical Lutheran Church has brought the Gospel Of Jesus Christ to Odenton and the surrounding areas.

Come and join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM for worship as we come together in fellowship to grow as disciples of Jesus.